Missy Hughes of St Louis wrote:Praise the lord yes I am a sheep And Jesus Christ is my shepherd a good shepherd. A sheep will hear a Shepherd’s voice and a voice of a stranger He will not attend or hear too. Sheep‘s are sensitive aware of their surroundings attentive and humble . Sheep’s are like lambs headed for the slaughter For we are killed all the day long, Due to the fact of what we believe. Eat are also the sheep of his pastors every sheep needs a pastor To lead them and to teach them in the ways of God. God has declared to me that I’m a sheep so therefore I believe.
Rachel Phillips
Mar 30, 2022
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Amen. Thank you Missy Hughes for sharing your comments
Rachel Phillips
Mar 30, 2022
Yes I'm a sheep. Why? Because I follow my Great Shepherd - Jesus!. I researched the characteristics of sheep. They are meek. They are usually very quiet and gentle, holding themselves aloof from the world. In a herd, all the sheep tend to listen their leader and show esteem for them. Sheep see through a different set of eyes. We see in frontal vision. Our eyes are in the front of our head. Sheep eyes are set on the side of their head. They have a narrow field of binocular vision in the front of their head and wide peripheral field of monocular vision. The area in the back of the sheep's head is a blind spot when the hea…
Missy Hughes of St Louis wrote: Praise the lord yes I am a sheep And Jesus Christ is my shepherd a good shepherd. A sheep will hear a Shepherd’s voice and a voice of a stranger He will not attend or hear too. Sheep‘s are sensitive aware of their surroundings attentive and humble . Sheep’s are like lambs headed for the slaughter For we are killed all the day long, Due to the fact of what we believe. Eat are also the sheep of his pastors every sheep needs a pastor To lead them and to teach them in the ways of God. God has declared to me that I’m a sheep so therefore I believe.
Yes I'm a sheep. Why? Because I follow my Great Shepherd - Jesus!. I researched the characteristics of sheep. They are meek. They are usually very quiet and gentle, holding themselves aloof from the world. In a herd, all the sheep tend to listen their leader and show esteem for them. Sheep see through a different set of eyes. We see in frontal vision. Our eyes are in the front of our head. Sheep eyes are set on the side of their head. They have a narrow field of binocular vision in the front of their head and wide peripheral field of monocular vision. The area in the back of the sheep's head is a blind spot when the hea…