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Writer's pictureRachel Phillips

We are born Spiritually blind? How can our eyes be opened?

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Brian Jackson

One of the most moving of stories is the man who was born blind. After his encounter with Jesus his eyes were opened. During his interrogation by religious rulers he was pressed to say that his healing was not from Jesus. There reason was because Jesus was a sinner. The man's testimony was, "I don't know if He is a sinner or not. All I know, Is I was blind but now I see. This is the testimony of every believer. We were all born Spiritually blind. But once the light of the glorious gospel is illuminated we our way clearly to the path of salvation. We don't know everything. But we can all testify as the blind man, "All I know…

Rachel Phillips
Rachel Phillips

AMEN! My testimony too. Thanks Pastor Jackson for sharing



The Bible says we are born in sin in shaped in iniquity. To be born again we must accept Jesus’ work on the cross when He died to pay for our sins. We are blind to Jesus’ redemptive work on the cross until Jesus reveals Himself to us. Our spiritual eyes are opened once we accept Jesus Christ as a savior and allow Him to make all things new. The Bible says, in Romans 11:25, the Jews are blinded until the fullness of the Gentiles.

Rachel Phillips
Rachel Phillips

AMEN! Thanks for sharing Lynette.. I love you used Romans 11:25, too.



When someone here's the word of God,, and RECEIVE Jesus as their Lord & SAVIOR,, the GRACE OF GOD will justify. Them freely THRU the Redemption that is in Christ Jesus::: ROMANS 3:24. NOW the blindness has been

Rachel Phillips
Rachel Phillips

AMEN. Thank you Minister Shelby


Emmanuel Joseph
Emmanuel Joseph

When we have not given our life to Christ , accepting him as our lord and personal saviour we still in the darkness of the world 🌎,we are still spiritually blind , under the manipulation of the devil. We are in total total darkness and we will not have peace and joy. Ephesians 5:8 you are light in thy Lord, walk as children of light . But when we give our life to Christ, genuinely repentance of our sin ,Thy lord God take us away from darkness unto light 🕯️.John 3:3 Jesus answered and said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” thy kingdom of God is lig…

Rachel Phillips
Rachel Phillips

AMEN. Thank you fo such a deep answer Emmanuel


Rachel Phillips
Rachel Phillips

There is a rehabilitation center called Bosma in Indianapolis, Indiana. There goal is to help blind people or the visually impaired live a independent life as much as possible. I read of one success story on their website Bosma Enterprises. Her name is Rhonda and Bosma helped her navigate her blindness with confidence, which gave her the opportunity to have a successful career. Her story goes something like this before she went blind. I might add: She was driving to work one morning. She had a close call on the road and was sideswiped- a truck had appeared seemingly out of no where! One day at work, Rhonda struggled to find the cursor on her computer screen. Rhonda was quickly diagnosed wit…

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